The Supportive Supervision Scheme- Hong Kong

Liz Beddoe

As an example of growing collaboration internationally on research on supervision, I was recently the guest of the Hong Kong Social Workers Association. Here’s a brief story about this event.

Associate Professor Elizabeth Beddoe (School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work, the University of Auckland) gave a speech at an event in Hong Kong- the Supportive Supervision Scheme Graduation Ceremony organised by the Hong Kong Social Workers Association on 26 June in Hong Kong. The slides are here:
HKSWA Graduation speech Beddoe web

The supportive Supervision Scheme involves supervision education for a cohort of qualified social workers with minimum of 5 years practice. It is an excellent scheme and demonstrates a commitment to ongoing CPD
and to developing supervision as a specialisation in future. Graduates must be wiling to contribute supervision hours pro bono and retain certification by practising supervision of social workers.

Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Hong Kong SAR, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung opened the day with a very supportive speech congratulating the Hong Kong Social Workers Association (HKSWA) on the great success of the first cohort of graduates. Dr Alice Yuk Tak-fun President HKSWA,); Ms Agnes Ng (Project Director, Supportive Supervision Scheme) also spoke.

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From left to right Dr Alice Yuk Tak, Liz, Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Ms Justina Leung and Ms Agnes Ng

Liz’s 50 minute paper explored “The Training and Qualification Requirements for a Social Work Supervisor in the Social Work Profession”. Liz was the guest of the HKSWA and also participated in a roundtable discussion with the scheme advisory committee discussing imperatives for the education and training of supervisors in social work.. HK 3 DSC_0110
Liz being introduced by Justina Leung, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Present also an honoured guest at the ceremony was Professor Ming-sum Tsui (Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a member of the Supervision Research Agenda project and Patrick O’Leary (Griffith University).

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It was a pleasure to meet so many social workers and NGO social service leaders who are committed to good supervision and professional development for social workers.

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